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9 Places to Meet People When You’re Depressed

You know how hard it is to get out and socialize when you’re depressed and your therapist suggests you get out and socialize. Here are ten places you can go to meet people where your depressed mood won’t turn people off.

  1. Support group. It doesn’t matter which one. People in support groups are often at a low point in their lives and it will be easy to just blend in. Bonus points for sharing your story
  2. Bus station. There are many people who are down and out with whom you can choose to start a conversation. In fact, you can even have a loud conversation with yourself without anyone paying attention. Granted, this does show the lack of good mental health care in the US.
  3. Car dealership. Just go and say you’re interested in buying, but you don’t know what kind of car you want. The car salesman will spend all day with you pretending she’s your friend. Just don’t buy anything.
  4. Therapist’s waiting room. The question is there for the asking….What are you here for?
  5. Blackjack table. Make sure you find the table where everyone is quiet and sullen. You’ll fit right in. You can even swear loudly without raising eyebrows. Make sure to bring lots of money if you want to stay awhile.
  6. Cemetery. All hours company from mourners in the daytime to distressed teens at night. Where could you ask for better company in the blues?
  7. Library. You don’t have to talk at all and you can bond over shushing people who are talking on their cell phones.
  8. Hospital. Stay away from the newborn section and you should be fine. Striking up a conversation with a harried nurse in the cafeteria will get your mind off your own troubles.
  9. Court. You have to be quiet while court is in session, so you don’t have to worry about making long conversations. Another instant icebreaker. What did you do? If you’re lucky, you may end up with a pen pal for three to five years.

I hope these suggestions help you on your quest to make new friends. Depression can be hard, but it is easier if you can share it with people. Do your best to live your best life!

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