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How to Train a Human

I have a tendency to depressive episodes where I spend a lot of time in bed. When I’m up I wear pajamas, which I throw on the floor when I get into bed. I got up one day and put on my clothes from the floor and they felt a little damp. I couldn’t figure out why. I smelled them and they smelled like cat pee. Great! I washed the clothes in vinegar to get the smell out, wore some clean pjs and threw them on the floor when I went back to bed. I woke up to the sound of my cat peeing on my pajamas. I jumped up and chased him out. Everything was cool for a couple days, then I woke to Spot peeing on my pjs again! Argh! It took one more time for me to figure it out, because I am apparently slow to learn what my cat was trying to train me to do. Now, no matter how bad I feel, I make sure the litter box is clean every day! My little Spot is such a good teacher! I never wake up to wet clothes anymore. My kitties help me in so many ways!

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