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Is being Introverted the same as being depressed?

I made this list of how depression and introversion overlap. I’m both an introvert and a person with depression. I hope this list will make you laugh!

  1. According to one study, introverts tend to wear comfortable non-decorative clothing. Depressed people also wear comfortable non-decorative clothing, often in the form of black pajamas.
  2. Introverts like to watch videos of baby animals. Depressed people like to watch videos of baby animals. Okay, everybody, even psychopaths, likes to watch videos of baby animals.
  3. Introverts ruminate. Depressed people ruminate. Apparently, extroverts don’t ruminate and they tend to win political elections. That’s something to worry and ruminate about.
  4. Introverts score low on extroversion on the Big 5 Personality Traits test. Depressed people score low on extroversion on the Big 5 Personality Traits test. This is why people think introverts are all depressed, but those people would be wrong. People who are depressed become less gregarious and don’t go out as much, but that doesn’t necessarily make them introverts generally.
  5. Introverts tend not to feel like going to big social gatherings. Depressed people also avoid parties. However, depressed people stay home and cry, while introverts stay home and do karaoke in the bathroom mirror.
  6. Introverts avoid making phone calls. Depressed people avoid making phone calls. This is a good reason to text!
  7. Introverts like to snuggle in bed and watch a good video. Depressives also like to snuggle in bed and watch videos. Introverts video choices range from musicals to horror, while depressed people tend to watch tearjerkers or porn (from my partner, also an introvert and someone with depression).
  8. Introverts tend not to be as expressive in body language and tone as extroverts. People with depression have what is called a lack of affect, which means they don’t express their emotions for other people to see them.
  9. Introverts don’t like to share their emotions with everyone. Depressed people are too tired to share their emotions.

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